This year, members of the baby boomer generation are approaching traditional retirement age. But just because they are growing older chronologically doesn’t mean that they want to look like they are. In fact, maintaining their physical appearance becomes more important than ever in terms of keeping up self-confidence and staying competitive in a youth-driven job market.
Luckily, advancements in laser skin rejuvenation are such that these individuals can address wrinkles, fine lines and sagging in a manner that is both safe and effective. Going under the knife is not necessary for everyone, particularly in the case of people who want subtle, natural enhancement.
According to physicians, minimally invasive skin tightening procedures like ePRIME are the way to go when it comes to fighting gravity without undergoing surgery.
Board-certified plastic surgeon Grant Stevens told American Health and Beauty that there are many different types of patients who seek non-surgical skin rejuvenation treatments.
“I often suggest that it’s a better use of their time and their money to have non-surgical lifting procedures,” he said, quoted by the news source. “These patients are starting to see some early sagging of the neck and in the jowls.”
Minimally invasive treatments like ePRIME are also considerably less painful in comparison to full-on surgery. They are typically associated with little or no recovery time, allowing individuals to get back to their daily duties without interruption.
The technology delivers radiofrequency micro-needles into the skin, stimulating the deepest layers to produce more collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid. Increasing these components will help make the skin more youthful and elastic, as well as smooth and radiant.
Local anesthesia is used to numb the treatment area and the procedure is usually complete within an hour. Patients generally need to come into the doctor’s office for just one session, which sets ePRIME apart from other skin rejuvenation techniques.
“ePRIME is the only energy-based dermal remodeling system that precisely targets and delivers measured radiofrequency directly into the deep dermis,” said Loui Scafuri, CEO of Syneron, quoted by Seeking Alpha. “The resulting volumetric improvement after a single treatment is impressive and has led to high levels of patient satisfaction since product introduction.”
Selecting a skin tightening procedure like ePRIME can help people save time and improve their appearance in a subtle, natural way that does not require excessive downtime.