In the laser hair removal community, skin types are often discussed in terms of the “Fitzpatrick Chart,” a classification system based on the skin’s response to sun exposure. It’s helpful to know what type you are, and compare it to your hair type, in order to determine how effective laser hair removal will be for you. But keep in mind that there are exceptions to every rule, and the only proven way to determine your candidacy is through a personal consultation with a laser hair removal specialist.
Type I
Highly sun-sensitive, always burns, never tans.
Example: Very pale Caucasian, freckles, or Albino
Type II
Very sun-sensitive, burns easily, tans minimally.
Example: Fair-skinned Caucasian
Type III
Sun-sensitive skin, sometimes burns, slowly tans to light brown.
Example: Darker Caucasian, European mix
Type IV
Minimally sun-sensitive, rarely burns, always tans to moderate brown.
Example: Mediterranean, European, Asian, Hispanic, Native American
Type V
Sun-insensitive skin, rarely burns, tans well.
Example: Hispanic, Afro-American, Middle Eastern
Type VI
Sun-insensitive, never burns, deeply pigmented.
Example: Afro-American, African, Middle Eastern