It seems like every day we find a new use for Botox – and with the experience and innovation of our award-winning cosmetic physicians, we can help you find the most industry-leading option for your unique concerns. One concern we encounter regularly is movement of the nasal tip when talking, laughing, or smiling. Did you know Botox and other neurotoxins can be an effective solution for this concern? Here’s what to know about nasal Botox and how whether it’s right for you.
What Causes the Nose to Move?
The nose is an extremely complex feature of the face, and you might be surprised to learn that beneath the nose is a small muscle called the depressor septi nasi. It’s one of three muscles around the nose that help it move. These muscles are responsible for expressing your nose, including scrunching it up or flaring and closing the nostrils. For some people, the nasalis muscles cause concerns like nose wrinkles or a nose tip that dips down when making certain expressions. Fortunately, since a muscle is involved, Botox can be an effective solution.
How Does Nasal Botox Work?
Botox works by weakening muscles using a specially manufactured form of bacteria. Muscles work by pulling – in this case, the depressor septi nasi muscle underneath the nose pulls the tip of the nose downward. By relaxing this muscle, the tip of the nose can perk up and take on a more up-turned look. It can also be less prone to moving around while talking, smiling, or laughing. There are a few other ways Botox can be used in the nose, including treating bunny lines or excessive nostril flaring when expressing. These treatments work similarly – by weakening the muscles in the area that pull and cause movement.
Am I A Good Candidate for Nasal Botox?
There are a few important considerations when looking at whether Botox can help adjust your nose. The most important is whether your downturned nose is being caused by muscle movement or the underlying cartilage and bone. If a nose looks downturned because of the underlying structure, then treatment options like a liquid rhinoplasty or even surgery are often a better option.
In order to determine if Botox can help your nose, you can say the word “Peter” in front of a mirror and watch whether your nose dips downward. If it does, then the muscle is likely responsible and can be treated with Botox. With very few units of Botox and the expertise of our cosmetic physicians, you can see the tip of the nose lift and its movement reduced when you make normal facial expressions.
What are the Benefits of Nasal Botox?
One of the biggest benefits of nasal Botox is that results are temporary, so you can play around with your cosmetic goals – and at a much lower cost than surgery, since only a few units are needed for this very small muscle. Additionally, when you get your Botox from a cosmetic physician with decades of experience performing Botox daily, it’s a very low risk investment. There are no incisions, no anesthesia, and no downtime needed.
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Interested in meeting with our team? Contact our Bridgewater and Livingston, NJ offices for a free consultation by calling or filling out our online form.