According to Globes Online, a new imaging technology is being built that could benefit the plastic surgery market. Amis Ltd., a new Israeli start-up, is currently developing a precision imaging camera that will offer patients a projected image of their desired plastic surgery results.
The new imaging technology was developed by Amis’s CTO Dr. Alex Bronstein and Prof. Ron Kimmel at the Technion Israel Institution of Technology.
“We developed calculation tools for mapping flexible forms. The first application was for facial identification, which we sold a year ago,” Bronstein told Globes Online. “The second application is for plastic surgery. It is a camera and software that can provide an accurate image of the results of the surgery or cosmetic treatment. The data is also quantifiable, so doctors can use it as a planning tool for procedures.”
While imaging equipment is currently available to plastic surgeons in the U.S., they are very limited in quality. Most doctors currently only have 2D tools available, which may not accurately demonstrate desired results. Dr. Dov Klein, a member of Amis and one of Israel’s top plastic surgeons, hopes that the new technology will “revolutionize the field”. What sets Amis’s product apart from other 3D cameras is that it can not only provide images of the desired procedure, it can precisely measure on the basis of the size of the implants in breast augmentation patients and create a very accurate image of the end result. The technology is said to take into account the muscle, skin tone, and 30 surgical variables when calculating measurements.
According to Dr. Klein, the imaging technology will have multiple benefits for both the patient and the doctor. “I use the tool and see that it provides good ability for choosing the right implant or filler. In my liposuction treatments, it makes it possible to precisely calculate the volume and quantity of fatty tissue to be removed,” says Klein. “The great advantage is the ability to show the final results to the patients.”
The one downfall is that the surgical planning process is conducted by manually measuring the doing all of the calculations by hand. Amis hopes that the new technology will, however, outsource the consultation time to aids, freeing up more time for the doctors to do surgery.
Amis plans to sell the camera and software for $30,000, which is fairly inexpensive compared to other technology that is currently available. While there is no launch date name for the new technology, New Jersey patients will be able to take advantage of 3D imaging software in the near future at Reflections Center for Skin and Body. Our office will have the latest Canfield Imaging 3D modeling unit available soon.