“It was a mistake,” said Shelly R. a laser tattoo removal NJ patient. “I got the tattoo along with some friends when I was 19. I think I regretted getting the thing almost as soon as it was done.”
Shelly’s tattoo was a rose and stem that started on her right foot and traveled up her right leg to the mid point of her calf. What she thought would look good at the Jersey Shore at 19, ended up being a good candidate for laser tattoo removal NJ at Reflections Center by the time she was 25.
“It just looked totally out of place once I was out of college and had a job,” she explained. Fortunately, when Shelly R. came Reflections Center she was at the right place for laser tattoo removal NJ.
Many people aren’t aware that the darker the tattoo’s color, the easier it is to remove. Because Shelly’s tattoo had some light green and pale rose colors, it would require specialized wavelength lasers tuned to remove those lighter colors. Many tattoo removal facilities have only one laser with a wide-band wavelength to cover all colors, especially black. However, on many of the lighter colors, such a device has little effect or it takes many more procedures for their removal.
“I think just about everyone knows less at 19 than they do a few years later,” Shelly said. “Fortunately, getting a tattoo at that age turned out not to be a permanent mistake. I think I’m very fortunate to have found Reflections Center for laser tattoo removal NJ.”