SculpSure: 25 Minute Fat Loss Treatment
SculpSure is a revolutionary non-invasive FDA-Cleared fat reduction treatment. Reflections is proud to be one of the first offices nationwide to offer this amazing technology to our patients.
SculpSure utilizes advanced laser technology to target and damage fat cells, prompting your body to clear them away as part of its normal metabolism.
SculpSure uses targeted warming lasers to damage fat cells beneath the skin. It’s so comfortable you won’t need to numb before your treatment.
SculpSure is incredibly safe. It is proven effective and safe for all skin types and tones. SculpSure is safe for new moms – you can have SculpSure as soon as you feel well enough after giving birth, and it’s perfectly safe for use by those who are breastfeeding. This is because SculpSure is a gentle warming procedure that precisely targets only fat cells.
Immediately following a SculpSure treatment, you can feel confident about returning to your normal schedule – whether that’s a date, back to work, or even off to the gym. SculpSure fits busy schedules.
SculpSure provides up to a 24% reduction in fat with each treatment. For those who desire more dramatic results, treatments can be repeated to significantly reduce fat. SculpSure treatments are cumulative. A patient doing 2-3 treatments could expect to see 40-60% reduction in total fat in the treatment area. There is no limit on the number of treatments you can do with SculpSure.1*
Time is money, and SculpSure is fast. But SculpSure is also more affordable than you think. We’re currently offering very competitive pricing (from $750) and complimentary consults for this amazing technology. Personalized quotes are provided during the consultation.
SculpSure uses treatment panels to apply the laser technology to your stubborn problem areas. This versatile treatment is equally well-suited to both small and large areas, and can treat up to 4 areas in a single treatment. SculpSure treats all of your problem areas, including stomach, back, love handles, bra fat, arms, inner thigh, outer thigh, calves, and anywhere else you might have stubborn fat. SculpSure is unique in its ability to customize treatment to patients.
This changes everything.
We’re currently offering SculpSure starting at $750. Call to Schedule now, and be ready for shore season!
*Indivudal results may vary. SculpSure is clinically proven and FDA-Cleared to remove up to 24% of unwanted fat per treatment.A complimentary consultation with one of our body contouring specialists is the best way to determine which body contouring treatments will provide you with the best results for your goals.
1. FDA 501K clearance for SculpSure