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Fat Loss Tips Before the Holidays Start

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We all know that with the upcoming holidays comes the desire to look your best for parties, family gatherings and possibly a trip somewhere warm (it’s 37 in the tristate today!). Studies have shown that laser liposuction is the fastest and best way to remove fat if you’re interested in a rapid recovery and little chance of risk.

Many of us have pockets of fat that we carry around. It’s different for each person, based on genetics. Some of us develop fat around the middle, while others tend to develop fat in the rear and thighs. Laser Liposuction is a treatment option specifically designed for such areas, and you can have your procedure and fully recover well in time for the upcoming holidays.

Laser liposuction, as practiced here at Reflections Center, involves removing fat cells that will never return. Safe and effective, Laser Liposuction is the ideal way to improve the contour of your body with very little downtime.

How does Laser Liposuction work?

Comfort Calm Local Anesthesia™ is used in laser liposuction, not general anesthesia. Using local anesthesia makes the procedure quite comfortable and also restricts blood flow, which means less bruising. After fat is anesthetized, a special laser is used to melt the fat. Tiny cannulas then extract the liquid fat. That’s it! Candidates are men and women who have tried diet and exercise but can’t quite get the final areas of fat to go away.

What are the benefits of laser liposuction?

  • Local anesthesia
  • Just a few days of downtime (most patients are back to normal activities at day 2 or 3)
  • Skin tightening! This cannot be achieved with traditional lipo.

What areas of my body can be treated with laser liposuction?

  • The face and neck, including the jowls and jawline
  • Men’s breasts
  • The thighs and around the knees where fat tends to deposit
  • The buttocks and hips
  • The waist—especially good for love handles

At the Reflections Center, we have several liposuction methods and we’ll choose the exact method that’s right for you. Call today to schedule your consultation to see how laser liposuction can improve your figure and your self-confidence!