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FDA Clears Sofwave for Improvement of Cellulite in Thighs & Butt

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Why Reflections Center is Excited About Sofwave Treatment for Cellulite

Ultrasound has been used to treat Cellulite for several years and with the new FDA clearance for the Sofwave device, we expect even better results and happier patients.

The Sofwave treatment for cellulite is comfortable and requires no downtime. Sofwave has become the most sought after non invasive (needle and scalpel free) device for skin tightening on the face and neck. We have always known that poor collagen support and skin laxity worsens the appearance of cellulite on the body. This fueled the scientists to prove Sofwave would be a very useful tool to help reduce the appearance of cellulite on the legs and buttock. To be able to address that with our strongest technology is exciting.

We expect this treatment to have no downtime, bruising, or swelling, and to be affordable – those are just assumptions at this point in time, based upon our use of Sofwave on the face and neck.

We know this treatment is safe for all skin types. There are more risks of discomfort and adverse events when treating directly over bone and major blood vessels.

Details of December 2022 Clinical Trials

Results of this Study Are Anticipated April 2023

The FDA has reviewed the results of a clinical study and cleared Sofwave as safe and effective for the temporary improvement of cellulite.

Patients in this study received 2 treatments, spaced 2-4 weeks apart. Photos were evaluated at 3 months post-treatment, and 89% of patients had noticeable changes to the appearance of their cellulite.

These patients also shared these common characteristics:

  • BMI of 30 or greater
  • Ages 18 to 60
  • Not making changes to diet/exercise routines during this time, and has had stable weight for at least past 6 weeks (less than 5% change or fluctuation)
  • Not treating with other cellulite therapies during this time, or in previous year
  • No current or past tattoos in the treatment area
  • Not pregnant or breastfeeding
  • No solar elastosis (sun damage so great that skin loses total elasticity) in the treatment areas
  • No metal implants in the treatment area (hip replacements, pins, etc.) or pacemaker, defibrillator, cochlear implants, nerve/brain stimulators or drug delivery system
  • Not a heavy smoker, or historically a heavy smoker

Combing Sofwave for Cellulite with Other Best-in-Class Treatments

With the goal of further increasing the results of Sofwave treatment for the reduction of cellulite, we can inject what is called a biostimulator, an agent that boosts the amount of natural collagen and elastin that Sofwave creates.

We’re most excited to combine Sofwave for Cellulite with Hyperdilute Radiesse for Widespread Orange Peel Appearance

Hyperdilute Radiesse is a biostimulatory filler, which means it’s an injected substance that stimulates the body to create collagen. In its normal concentration, Radiesse creates quite a volume change, but in a hyperdilute mix, it creates widespread firming and collagen production that doesn’t change the contour or shape of the area.

Schedule Your Free Consultation

If you’re interested in treating your cellulite, you need a doctor who knows about all of the best treatments, and can help guide you towards the one(s) that will work best for you and that will meet your needs (budget, downtime, speed to see results, longevity, etc.).

We offer free consultations with our doctors for cellulite.