Reflections for acne laser treatment.
Having blemishes or acne scars is known to have a significant impact on how a person views themselves, sometimes leading to very low self-esteem. Actress, singer and dancer Julianne Hough knows how this skin condition can make an individual feel and spoke with People Magazine about it.
“You try to tell yourself that you’re fine and it’s all good – and you really should be fine – but it definitely affects you,” Hough said, quoted by the news source.
The starlet was able to overcome her bad skin with a rigorous treatment regimen, and now has smooth, glowing skin. Whether she chose to have a laser resurfacing or Restylane injections to help remove signs of acne or was just lucky enough to be naturally scar-free, it’s clear that there is reason for people experiencing chronic pimples to be optimistic about their futures.
There are several ways to eliminate or reduce the appearance of acne scars. It may depend on your particular skin type, so it’s a good idea to choose a reputable professional to consult with. Additionally, you may want to get informed on your options before going in for a consultation.
Laser acne treatments stimulate collagen production and produce a smooth new epidermis. This can be done with either a non-ablative procedure, wherein no tissue is removed, or in an ablative fashion, in which the top layer of skin is vaporized or removed. However, microablative, or fractional, treatments are now considered the “gold standard” in acne scar removal because the lasers used are so precise that they can target very small portions of tissue, leaving healthy skin intact. One of the newest treatments available on the market today is the sebacia acne treatment.
For blemishes that have left deep soft scars behind, filler injections may be an appropriate course of action. Restylane, Juvederm and Radiesse treatments work by filling in the skin and smoothing out any grooves left behind.
Dermabrasion is a process that can provide smooth skin for people with certain types of acne, but make matters worse for others, such as those with deep “ice pick scars.” Essentially, the top layer of skin is sanded off with a brush, which can significantly reduce the signs of acne on the right patient. This procedure also comes with the risk of pigment changes that can require additional treatment.