Age: 41-50
Gender: Female
This patient was concerned with dark circles under her eyes and asymmetry in her face. She first came to see us in the summer of 2020, concerned with how tired all of the stress of 2020 had made her look.
We started to slowly, and made several improvements over the course of 6 months – usually doing just 1 syringe of filler or 1 small laser treatment at each visit (which kept to within her budget and made her transformation unnoticeable to those around her as having been from treatments – which is something most of our patients desire to keep private).
In total, she has had:
2 syringes Restylane Silk to Under Eyes
Regular Botox to Forehead, Glabella, and Crow’s Feet
⚡ 1 Treatment with Long-Pulse Q-Switched Nd:Yag Laser to Under Eyes for Dark Discoloration
To schedule a free consultation with our doctors to discuss Non-Surgical Treatment Options, please call us at (732) 356-1666 to request an appointment.