I was new to these kind of treatments. I wanted to come in for a long time, but I was embarrassed and didn’t want anyone to know. I was a sun lover, being a lifeguard growing up in California, I had a constant tan and now at 38 it caught up to me. I saw Dr. Chasin who was sooo cool, he made me feel at home, so happy to be there. he discuss options with me, Fotofacial, laser peel, Fraxel, portrait , he explained the advantages of each treatment and how they differed. He said he thought we should go slow which make me happy. I had two Fotofacial treatments and my skin looks much better. From someone who was embarrassed to come in, I now tell everyone about my visits to Reflections and how they changed my life. For you girls (and guys) out there who want to treat yourself but feel funny about it, trust me, you’ll be happy you did.
by P.A.