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You Are The Cure For The Thousands Rosacea Sufferers

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...having other dermatologists offer no hope for alternative treatments other than an aesthetician—you were my last hope.”

Dr. Chasin,

I’m struggling to put into words just how successful my rosacea treatment has been. For over ten years, I suffered from rosacea on my cheeks and nose that intensified to the degree that I actually received daily questions and comments from friends and strangers. After unsuccessfully being treated with creams (Metrogel, etc.) and having other dermatologists offer no hope for alternative treatments other than an aesthetician—you were my last hope.

Your experience, innovative fortitude, and mastery of the vast array of laser technology truly set you apart from your colleagues. ”
See Her Before & Afters

To say that your laser treatments were successful would fail to recognize the dramatic result that has occurred. The painless procedure removed redness and blotching that had overtaken my face. Your experience, innovative fortitude, and mastery of the vast array of laser technology truly set you apart from your colleagues. You are the cure for the thousands of rosacea sufferers who have been without hope.*

by M.P.